Commercial Access Control & Keyless Entry Systems

Serving the Atlanta area for over 35 years.

Learn More About Our Systems

Conventional Access Control

Stand Alone Access Control

Cloud-Based Access Control

Push Button Keyless Entry

Door Release Systems


Grant and revoke access to anyone, anytime, from anywhere without having to worry about cards, FOBs or remembering PIN numbers – your phone does it all, even when networks are unavailable.


Our encrypted VIZpin smartkeys use Bluetooth, not Wi-Fi, making them essentially impossible to hack or duplicate; unlike cards and physical keys, people don’t share their phones.


Electronic access control is now affordable for every door. VIZpin eliminates expensive panels, networks and wiring saving you up to 75% per door on installation.

From a one-door stand-alone system, to a fully expanded 128-door networked system.

Door Resources can set up access control on virtually any building.

Over 35 Years of Experience

We represent industry-leading manufacturers like Kaba, Trine and Maglock with the latest access control hardware and products. Our access control systems and devices include keypads, proximity readers, magnetic locks, electric strikes, bio-metric hand scanners, battery operated proximity card reader locks and mechanical push button locks.

Talk to a Door Resources Expert

Call us today to schedule a survey of your facility and discover which options will work best for you!